Lessons learnt in the Doing Business Abroad pilot

After shortly explaining the 2 use cases and the quantitative results of the Doing Business Abroad pilot, the main lessons learnt will be discussed per actor in the SDG-processes. We will see that many advantages the SDG is aiming for, were confirmed for users (companies) and public authorities acting as Data Evaluators. Also, we will find that certain prerequisites must be met in order to maximise their advantages.

Ard van der Heijen
Ard van der Heijden
  • Netherlands Enterprise Agency

Ard van der Heijden leads the Doing Business Abroad pilot in DE4A. In this pilot, Sweden, Austria, Romania and The Netherlands piloted 2 use cases, specifically focused on companies and company-representatives that want to do business across border. Ard has a strong project-management and organisational change management background and about 25 years of experience in governmental, healthcare and energy management projects.